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Location: Nearby Razlog is located one of the most charming mountain villages in Bulgaria. You can find it in South direction 180 km away from Sofia and only 20 km away from Bansko. The altitude is 1070 m. Here starts the preserved territory of the National Park Rila. The South sides of the mountain, where the village is, are lighted by the sun all the summer and winter is also warm.

History: The first historical document, where the village is noted, is from 1378. Till the end of XVIII century, when Bansko developed, Dobarsko is the economical center of the region. This is due to its green pastures and the big flocks, as well as its trade activity.
Apart from that there is a legend about the foundation of the village and it became an inseparable part of its history. It is believed that after the battle of 1014 here for the first time settled down the blinded soldiers of the Bulgarian tsar Samuil. Here they found relieve and cure from the holy spring that is believed to cure eye problems till today. It is in the yard of the mediaeval Church “St. St. Teodor Tiron and Teodor Stratilat”.

Sightseeing: The “St. St. Teodor Tiron and Teodor Stratilat” Church doubtless is very interesting and very well preserved historical monument. And its frescos are both scientific object and tourist attraction.
Another church – “Presentation at the Temple”, is a memory of the Bulgarian Revival. Its iconostasis of wood-carving is a deed of a famous artist from Bansko Art School, and it’s a part of our cultural heritage.
In the region of the village there are 8 holy consecrated grounds between which there is a pilgrimage path, existing even today. One of them, located 500 km away from the village, is the newly built Church “Very Holly Vergin”. It was erected in 2002 with donations of the locals over the Antic ruins.

The surroundings: The 30-meter high waterfall Shtrokaloto is a breathtaking sight both in the summer, and in the winter. Close to it is running the little Klinetsa River, flowing across the village.
The 500 year-old pine spruce is 7 km away from the village. Its roots came out the ground and can be a shelter for the tourists during a storm in the wood.
During a strong storm 4 years ago, at the surroundings of Dobarsko a tree failed dawn. In its roots revealed remains of an ancient ceramic oven dated II – VI century. Its very well preserved, which let scientists to restore the old method for brick and tiles production.

Transportation: There is an autobus from Razlog to Dobarsko. It is located on the route 84 in Razlog – Velingrad direction.

Photos from Dobarsko



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