
Bulgaria Assinstant

Why Book with VisitBulgaria.NET?

Get the Best Rates
VisitBulgaria.NET provides You with the best hotel rates for hotels all over Bulgaria! When you reserve a hotel through our company, in 90 per cent of cases you get prices, which differ much from the official prices of hotels. The discounts may reach up to 50 percent off the hotel's rack rates.
Please have in mind that You will receive our special prices only if You book through our web site.

Best Deals & Special Offers!
We offer plenty of special offers and weekend discounts, such as city breaks and promotions. Please ask our agents for the available discounts.

Wide Range of Hotels
VisitBulgaria.NET offers a great variety of hotels and apartments all over Bulgaria. You can choose from more than 300 accommodations with different category and location.

Complete Package of Services
Our customers always save time, as, in addition to the hotel reservations, we offer the following services:

- Sightseeing tours and trips;
- Airline tickets;
- Transport services;
- Services of professional guides and interpreters;
- Convention services;
- Rent-a-car services;

Professional Attitude
We are a young team of professionals always ready to help you to choose the right accommodation that suits your needs in Bulgaria. Making a reservation through Silky Holidays, you can be assured of receiving high-quality service.

Easy Booking
Our special reservation system helps you to make a reservation fast and easy. Just fill in the booking form and wait for our confirmation letter.

No Cancellation Fee
If you decide to cancel your hotel reservation before the cancellation period noted for each hotel, no cancellation fee applies.



Over one billion euro has been invested in the wellness and spa industry in Bulgaria over the past more...

2013/05/13 00:12:57

Borovets hosted Drop The Mountain Borovets 2013 - the first mass bike ride on mountain terrain in more...


Thracian Cliffs Beach and Golf Resort will host the European Tour's 50th Volvo World Golf more...