
Bulgaria Assinstant

Official Holidays in Bulgaria

The official non-working days in 2013
1. January 1 (New Year's Day);
2. March 3 (Liberation Day);
3. May 01 – Labour day;
4. May 03–05 – Easter;
5. May 06 – George's day;
6. May 24 - the day of the Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slav Letters;
7. September 06 - Unification Day;
8. September 22 (Independence Day);
9. December 24-26 (Christmas);

- January 01, New Year - The New Year is an event that happens when a culture celebrates the end of one year and the beginning of the next year. Cultures that measure yearly calendars all have New Year celebrations. New Year Offers. More...

- 06th January, Epiphany - In Eastern Christianity, Jesus' baptism is commemorated on 6 January, the feast of Epiphany. Epiphany (Yordanovden in Bulgarian) is one of the major Christian holidays in Bulgaria. More...

- Ivanoivden - On 7th January the Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of Saint John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. More...

- St. Trifon Zarezen - On the 14th of February Bulgarians celebrate the day of St. Trifon Zarezan. The roots of this holiday are hidden in the far distant past and probably is related to the Thracian god of the wine – Dionysius. Holiday offers for St. Trifon Zarezan's day! More...

- 14 February - St. Valentine’s day is one of the most popular holidays in the world. The day is dedicated to the love and people pour out their feelings in a small, exquisite valentine’s. Valentine's Day offers. More...

- March 01, Baba Marta - The 1st of March is known as the day of Baba Marta. It is unique Bulgarian Holiday with no analogue among the other nations. On the day of Baba (Grandmother) Marta, people are giving each other martenitsi. The small red and white talismans are symbol of health and fertility. More...

- March 03, The National Holiday of Bulgaria - 3th of March is the National Holiday of Bulgaria and it is day when Bulgarians celebrate the Liberation from the Turkish slavery. Holiday offers for the National Holiday of Bulgaria. More...

- March 08, The Women’s Day - International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on the 8th of March every year. It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women. Holiday offers for the International Women's day. More...

- Agra Fair - The International Agricultural Exhibition AGRA focuses the attention of the Bulgarian and foreign agribusiness. The most successful agricultural forum in Southeast Europe is a showcase for the new achievements and a compass for the current trends in the sector. More...

- Blagoveshtenie - Blagoveshtenie is a major Christian Church holiday, reaffirmed during the 7th century. According to the Holy Script, on that day, nine months before the birth of Jesus Christ, Archangel Gabriel came to the Holy Virgin. He told her that she would become the mother of the Son of God. That sweet news also gave the name of the holiday in Bulgarian - Blagoveshtenie (meaning "Sweet News"). More...

- International Spring Fair - The beginning of the exhibition industry in the modern Bulgarian history was laid in 1892 when Plovdiv hosted the First Bulgarian Agricultural and Industrial Exposition. International Spring Fair More...

- The Rose festival - The Bulgarian rose production is popularised every year during the Festival of Roses. This festival of the roses originates from the celebrations held at the beginning of the rose-harvesting period. Holiday offers for the Rose festival in Bulgaria. More...

- April 01, Fool’s Day - All Fools' Day, although not a holiday, is a day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on a fool's errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. More...

- Palm Sunday - Palm Sunday (Tsvetnitsa) is a Christian moveable feast which always falls on the Sunday before Easter Sunday. On the Sunday after Lazaritsa, the maids that had danced as lazarki would gather and go to the river. More...

- Easter Holiday - Easter traditions in Bulgaria are a derivative of the Eastern Orthodox Church rituals. As the Bulgarian name implies "Velikden" (Great Day), Easter in one of the most significant holidays in the Bulgarian calendar and starting with Palm Sunday, the holy week leads up to the Great Day. Easter Holiday offers for Bulgaria. More...

- St. George’s Day - Possibly the most celebrated name day in the country, St George's Day (Gergyovden) is a public holiday that takes place on 6 May each year. A common ritual is to prepare and eat a whole lamb, which is an ancient practice possibly related to Slavic pagan sacrificial traditions and the fact that St. George is the patron saint of shepherds. Holiday Offres for St. George's day. More...

- 24th May - Bulgaria celebrates May 24 as the day of the Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slav Letters and it will be marked with nationwide festivities. More...

- June 01, Children’s day - International Children's Day had its origin in the ‘’World Conference for the Well Being of Children’’, held in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925. More...

- Bansko Jazz Festival - International Jazz Festival in Bansko is one of the biggest and most prestigious musical events in Bulgaria. Jazz Festival Offers. More...

- The Assumption of Mary - The Assumption of Mary is the traditional belief held by Christians of the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and some Protestant churches that the Virgin Mary at the end of her life was physically taken up into heaven. More...

- Perperikon Festival - The week leading up to the June solstice is the time choosen for the Perperikon Art Festival during the shortest night of the year - a night of magic according to popular belief. More...

- 06 September - Unification Day on 6 September is a national holiday of Bulgaria. It commemorates the unification of Eastern Rumelia and Bulgaria in 1885.
It was coordinated of the Bulgarian Secret Revolutionary Committee (BSRC). More...

- 22nd Sepember - The independence of Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire was proclaimed on 5 October [O.S. 22 September] 1908 in the old Bulgarian capital Tarnovo by Prince (Knyaz) (afterwards Tsar) Ferdinand of Bulgaria. Bulgaria has been Europe's tenth oldest country by continuous sovereignty since that date. Imdependence Day holiday offers. More...

- 06th December Nikulden - Nikulden is "The Day of Saint Nikolas" - a great winter festival celebrated by all Bulgarians on December Sixth. It is the name day for everyone named Nikola, Nikolay, Kolyo, Nikolina, Neno, Nenka, Nikolina or Nina. More...

- 08th December - December 8th first started being celebrated in 1903, on occasion of the 15th anniversary of Sofia University and became the holiday of all students in Bulgaria. Students' Holiday Offers. More...

- Christmas Eve - 24 December - Christmas Eve, December 24, is the night before Christmas Day, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. More...

- Christmas Day - Christmas (Koleda) is a continuation of Christmas Eve – the last day of the Long Lent and starts in midnight with a ritual called Koleduvane. Christmas Holiday offers. More...



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