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The Spirit of Burgas Supports Humaneness


This year, once again, Spirit of Burgas is a supporter of two important social causes which ideas are supported by the responsible citizen, not only in Bulgaria but around whole the civilized world. Both are exceptionally human and refer to the handicapped children in our society, on the one hand, and striving for a more human attitude towards animals, on the other.

This is the second consecutive year SPIRIT of Burgas is standing for the ideas of I CAN TOO foundation, which, through the expressive means of the art, is exposing the prob-lems of children with handicap in the media space. It aims by these means to provoke a change in the social adjustment towards those children. There will be a special stand at the festival zone where Bulgarian musicians, representatives of I CAN TOO, among which D2, Оstava, Gravity Co, Babyface Clan, High Time and the vocalist Ruth who will give autographs and sell foundation accessories through which this foundation is gather-ing funds for its activity. The next real aim will be the creation of a Centre dedicated to autistic children in the city of Plovdiv.

Some Animal rights protection organizations will establish their delegation office at the festival, united under the common cause of incrimination of a particular cruelty over an-imals. Bulgaria continues being the only country in the European Union and one among the three (together with Albania and Bosnia&Hertzegovina) in which cruelty over animals is not considered as a crime and is not penalized with imprisonment. Notwith-standing it is a proven fact that violence over animals is next to violence over humans, Bulgarian parliament refuses to undertake the necessary amendments to Penal Code.

During the three festival days, volunteer activists of the “Four Pads” foundation, the “Animal Friends – Burgas” foundation, the “Animal Rescue Sofia” foundation, the civic group “City for responsible people”, the pitbull-bg.org website and the represen-tatives of several groups in Facebook will present information about the organizations activities.



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