
Bulgaria Assinstant

Bulgaria develops eco and alternative tourism


Bulgaria has a great potential and resources of becoming a desirable tourist destination for eco and alternative tourism, but the great wealth of the country is unknown to most Western countries. The ambassadors of the Dutch Postal Lottery, which funds the project "The New Thracian gold" Rikus Wegman and Sijmen Tenwolde said.

The main idea of the project involves the development and promotion of eco and alternative tourism and organic farming in the Eastern Rhodopes.

On 31 March the two Dutchmen were determined by the lottery for its ambassadors from more than 5,200 other candidates. From 1 June Rikus and Sijmen travel all around the world to see what is being done by the charity organizations in the countries, included in the projects. A week ago they were in Africa, and now it is turn of Bulgaria.

"Even the majority of Bulgarians do not realize how many opportunities have their country, and how beautiful places you have here..." If you are going in the right direction Bulgaria could turn into very attractive place for foreign tourists who seek a different type of tourism, said the ambassadors.

The main task of the project "The New Thracian gold" is to promote precisely this way Bulgaria - through nature, flora and fauna and organic farming in the Eastern Rhodopes.

Bulgaria is among the best places in the world for ornithological tourism, said Johan Bekhuis - tourism and communications coordinator of environmental organizations ARK. This is especially true for tourists from England, Holland and Scandinavia.

Dutch ambassadors are completely objective when talking about the places they visited and their resources. One week before coming to Bulgaria, Rikus and Sijmen were in Kenya, where people live extremely poor and need mostly drugs and health culture and the ambassadors also helped them mainly in this area. Local people in all the countries of the projects in which young people have already been, are friendly and proactive. People in Bulgaria are no exception, they are dedicated to what they do and it is really inspiring to be around them, tell Rikus and Sijmen. Each project has its own history and ideas, so we become part of people's problems and help them to solve it, commented the young ambassadors in Bulgaria.

Rikus Wegman and Sijmen Tenwold will stay in Bulgaria until the early September. Until then, their program involves the marking of the trail from Madjarovo to Chernichino and meetings with local people.



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