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Italian atmosphere in the ‘green’ heart of Sofia


7 days of Italian atmosphere in the ‘green’ heart of Sofia

17 - 23 June 2010

QUI ITALIA, which has reached its third season, is now known and appreciated by the people of Sofia. The idea of creating a moment where Italians can meet with friends of Italy as it is done in traditional Italian popular festivals, was rewarded with a spontaneous consensus, thus starting to grow and getting on the way to becoming an institution, an annual appointment that will be richer in events and attractions. For one week in Sofia, we will breather Italian air, with its cultural, artistic, musical and gastronomic varieties. We know that our effort to surprise you, bringing a new taste of Italy to Sofia, will be rewarded by your affectionate and numerous participation.
Rendezvous at the lovely oasis of “Lyatna estrada” in the Borissova Gradina Park.


Thursday 17, 20.30 – Opening night concert with the Neapolitan band IntraTerra
A journey in the southern roots of Italy and of the Mediterranean. A show with music and dance with traditional songs and also songs written by the musicians. The emotions transmitted captivate the audience and the people are carried away by the rhythms of drums and of the accordion.

Friday 18, 18.00 – Concert by the Playtoy Orchestra
Making music with toys is an unusual suggestion however it is quite ingenious. The only orchestra in the world that plays music using solely toys, forcing the great classics to...be a part of this game. The musicians come from Campania, they have been admired on TV and on the radio, and now they bring all over the world their unique way of how music can be brilliant and fun.

21:00 – Repeat of the concert by the Neapolitan band IntraTerra.

Saturday 19, 11.00 – A day with Cumbojuggle, the first amusing free and wandering space in Bulgaria
16.00 – show by “Duo Pink” of the Teatroviaggiante (Travelling theater)
An Italian show by Edoardo Mirabella and Elisabetta Cavana with dance, mime, juggling and unicycles. A big pink trunk and a happy couple that narrates in its unique way the incidents that occurred during their honeymoon. Skits with clowns, juggling and acrobatics, with infinite surprises, they revive the ancient art of the ‘streets’ that will fascinate people of all ages.
19.00 – Repeat of the concert by Playtoy Orchestra;
22.00 – Evening with DJ Leo;
Sunday 20, 11.00 –  Laboratorio Circo (for all ages) with Compagnia Cumbonauta;
16.00 – Repeat of the show “Duo Pink” by the Teatroviaggiante;
18.00 – Concert of the Coro Malga Roma
The Choir Malga Roma, which travels around Italy and around the world, carries the desire of protecting and spreading the history and culture of the songs of the ‘alpini’ and of the mountains. The songs that will be sung are the classics that are chanted in the mountains huts or during pauses of military exercises. The known passion for the mountains that is found among the Bulgarian population will correspond to the sensations, the atmosphere and the memories evoked by the roman alpini.
20.00 – Repeat of the concert by the Playtoy Orchestra.
Monday 21, 20.30 – “Canta che ti passa” – evening with singing and karaoke with Fausto Bossini.  
The most famous and beautiful songs available to any ones vocal cords.
Tuesday 22, 20.00 – Concert by the band 4 SOUND.
For the 4 young men of Como, music is their only great passion, they are searching for musical experiences and they define music as “their reason of living”. After they began as amateurs, in 2008 they became famous by participating at the X-Factor, the known show on Rai2.
The four young men are very passionate and often, apart from their commitments with the band, they have nights of pure music and fun that they will surely transmit to the young people of Sofia.
Wednesday 23, 20.00 – 4 SOUND and Bulgarian friends
The 4 young Italian musicians will alternate on the stage and will perform duets with young Bulgarians that speak Italian and have had musical experiences in Italy;
22.00 – Closing night with fireworks;
The Briganti Della Majella have declared that they are ‘allergic’ to being on stage, and they prefer moving around. They are a folklore group that will share music and popular songs of Abruzzo. They are irresistible and unpredictable, and it is hard to spot, but it will be them that will find you!
During the whole week of events there will be functioning kiosks with gastronomic and enological specialties of the various Italian regions.
Entrance to all the shows is free.


Sofia 17/10/2012 21:07



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