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Archaeologists Discover Ancient Dionysus Sanctuary

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This summer archaeologists discovered a well-preserved altar from a large sanctuary near the town of Opaka, northeastern Bulgaria. The altar is decorated with images of grapes and wine vessels, which, to experts, means that it belonged to a temple to Dionysus. It was used by the local priestesses to perform the wine-fire ritual and predict the future. The pieces of the stone altar have already been arranged in an exposition in the museum of the district centre - Targovishte. Archaeologist Angel Konakliev from the museum, says that at the place the altar was discovered once there was another similar one that disappeared and only an ornament of it was left.

Archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov says that the ancient Thracian priestesses poured wine on the altar and then lit fires on it. Depending on the shape and size of the flames they predicted whether the coming year would be fertile. The chief priestess to Dionysus lived and served in the Rhodopes but her followers were spread all over the Thracian lands, experts are sure. Archaeologists Konakliev and Ovcharov think that the sanctuary may turn out to have been a big cult centre. The place has not been studied well yet for lack of funds.



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