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Hollywood Moves to Perperikon

Standard daily, 27 July 2007

The ancient Thracian city of Perperikon and the surface tomb of Orpheus near Tatul, in the Rhodope Mountain, will soon be turned into a shooting ground for Hollywood. Supernova, Hollywood Film Company has chosen the area for the set of its new film production. The movie to be shot there soon will be of the rank for an Oscar Film Award.
"This will be a movie for treasure-hunters, beautiful women and corruption," said the film producer Ralitsa Hofstetter in the town of Kardzhali.
Supernova Film Company starts shooting in April next year and will use the area for a set for the movie for two months. Some movie scenes will be shot in the Rhodope Mountains, others in Sofia. The screenwriter of the movie is Ron Bass; he is the producer of Oscar-winning Rain Man movie and Entrapment, Sleeping With the Enemy, Stepmom and others. The plot has the working title Sofia and it has already been handed to famous Hollywood actresses as Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman, Monica Bellucci and Hillary Stone. Most probably one of them will be chosen to play the main role in the movie. A consultant for archaeological issues is the Bulgarian archaeologist Prof. Nikolay Ovcharov.



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