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A New Discovery in Perperikon


Archeologists discovered the mediaeval castle of the ruler of Rodopi. The ruins of the castle are at the top of Perperikon – near the only tower in the rock town. Ideally shaped rooms and corridors were revealed, and three meters of the basics of the buildings are saved.
According the wards of Prof. Ovcharov most likely it is a big mediaeval building 20 measures long and 15 measures wide. It is one of the aristocracy palaces, typical for entire Europe during 12 – 14 century.
The historic chronics tell us that after conquering of Rodopi in the middle of 14 century, the Bulgarian tsar Ivan Alexander (one of Bulgarian rulars) appointed his ruler there.
Evidence for this are found among the ruins of the mediaeval castle coins from this period and fragments of costly chinaware. At this place is also found the only gold seal of Ivan Alexander that at the moment is a possession of an American collector. According to Nikolaj Ovcharov, the castle was extremely important because of its strong fortification and its immediate closeness to the biggest gold mines at the Balkans.



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